2016 : Thoughts & Realizations

The last couple months have been a whirlwind of emotions for me. I ventured into the blogging world, celebrated my big 4-0, cultivated some very meaningful friendships and barely managed a short haul flight by myself. Needless to say it’s been a pretty good ride!
With this state of mind and 2016 drawing to a close, I figured some soul searching and introspection would be worthwhile now.  With that being said, here are some things I’ve realized, learnt and appreciated over the course of this year and would love to share, in hopes that it might resonate with you on some level.
The people you surround yourself with is key. Keep good company. Invest time in genuine relationships because those are the ones that matter.
If you don’t want to do something – say no. Save yourself the stress of committing when your heart and mind is not in it.
If you read a book next, make it  ‘When Breath Becomes Air’ by Paul Kalanithi. It is a profound, deeply moving memoir with an underlying sadness, yet inspiring to read. Highly recommend it.
Giving back is always rewarding. Whether you donate to charity or prepare a home cooked meal for a friend. It is the small gestures that make the big difference.
Carbs are not the enemy. Seriously!! Have that piece of pie!
Honesty & Integrity are crucial to have within yourself and to seek out in others.
Baking chocolate chip cookies is therapeutic. Almost better than Xanax.
Don’t be afraid to venture into uncharted territory. It is the constant learning that keeps the mind engaged and productive. Learn a new language, start a business venture, change jobs, move countries – the possibilities are endless.
Those last 5 pounds will never come off – but saving your size 2 jeans in hopes that you will fit into them one day is perfectly acceptable.
That feeling when you belt out tunes at the top of your lungs while driving is like food for the soul. You may get questioning glances from passing cars – who cares? My all time favorite ‘sweet child o’ mine’
No matter how hard you try, you do end up like your mom (and that’s ok!)
Cultivate gratitude. Be thankful for what you have now, instead of the could-have’s and should-have’s, and appreciate it fully.
Some friendships are transient, yet still valuable. Not all friendships are meant to last a lifetime -and that’s ok too.
A good hairstylist and a good therapist is worth every penny.
Believe in yourself. We often have more strength, resilience, and good judgement than we give ourselves credit for.
Exercise is good for the soul. There hasn’t been a time, when a good 30 minute workout hasn’t left me with the ‘I can conquer the world feeling’.
Enjoy the simple pleasures in life – most are free! Hugs, smiles, love, laughter, family, friendships and great conversations.
Treasure the memories that made you smile. It was time well spent.
Most of all – be yourself. Stay true to who you are. Stay to true what you believe in. Be honest with your feelings, because that is what makes you – YOU!
How was 2016 for you ? What have you come to learn and appreciate? Share your thoughts.
Wishing you and your loved ones a very happy new year! See you in 2017!
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About the Author
Introvert, gym rat, book lover and avid baker. With this blog I hope to share with you personal anecdotes, life experiences, my love for baking and fitness – (fitness because of the incessant need to bake and eat), and hope for the blog to emerge as a melting pot of some interesting reading!
What a great way to wrap up 2016! Thank you for this!! And for the most exciting 2017!
Thanks EK! Hope I can carry forward these encouraging thoughts in 2017 as well. Wishing you a great year ahead!
Excellent write up really enjoyed reading it Keep up the good work Nadia
Thanks Sadia!
Wonderful read !!
I agree with the baking therapy 100%!! Loved the last 5 pound point 😂
Wish everything else was more easy to accomplish…maybe one day…but so far I don’t see the light at the end of some of these milestone tunnels 🙂
A very happy new year to you and yours 🙂
Happy New Year to you as well! I read somewhere that we should appreciate every small step we take towards our goal, even if we don’t achieve it completely. It is about making the small positive changes!
I am down with all of them, especially 6, 9 and 15. A good hairstylist can actually be both therapist and stylist! 😉
Thanks Hovaida! 2 in 1 deal is pretty good!
Each and every one of the points you shared hit home…and i second every one of them…write on…
Attaining a sense of fulfillment is so important and yet so difficult for us, as women, to do because we’re constantly putting others before ourselves. Over this past year, I (think) I tried to scale back and focus on those few activities that were all about ME. I realized that if I cut down on balancing so many expectations (e.g. “When are you planning another event”), and put my own comfort level first, then maybe I wouldn’t resent the things that I do for others.
I agree. I read a lot of ‘new year’ posts recently and so many of them talked about taking time out for themselves. That was the common theme. I feel self-care is often neglected when it comes to us. Good luck to you for a successful 2017.
I’m loving all of the 20 points you’ve mentioned…ideal for a motivational read and serves best for a “Note to Self” but when it comes to incorporate them in a practical life, that’s when the dispute between mind and heart creeps in! Nevertheless, one step at a time towards each note should be the goal I guess….I’m hoping this year would be a super productive one!
Good stuff Nadia….keep it coming!
Warm wishes for the New Year!
Thanks Sumaira! It definitely has it’s challenges – but small steps!
Love this ! No matter how hard you try you end up like your mum !! I think this when my daughter rolls her eyes at me !! He ! He !