Book Review: Torn Pages by Lara Zuberi

Torn Pages by Lara Zuberi Image credit: Good Reads

**No Spoilers*

‘Torn Pages’
is a story that depicts the struggles in the face poverty and hunger. It explores the desire to learn and grow. It touches on the sacrifices that play a role in life altering decisions. Moreover, it is a story where the strength of relationships is tested. It is a story where you witness the passion of the characters shine through.


Saman is at the heart of this love story. She comes from a poverty-stricken family, that struggles to meet basic needs. However, an opportunity soon presents itself, for Saman to go to school and she embraces it wholeheartedly. 

Saman soon meets Aman at the library where they develop a keen friendship and hope to plan a future together. As with many young hearts in love, the circumstances they face, are such that they go their separate ways.

Many years later, Saman has become a writer. She publishes a book titled ‘The Story of Us’. This book reaches Aman, as a present from his wife Sasha on their anniversary.

What unfolds is a story of Aman confronting his past, and the unresolved feelings they both had. 

What stood out most for me in this beautifully written story was the descriptive narrative. It was evocative and stimulating. The childhood sketches were written so beautifully, every detail meticulously written, to enhance the readers experience. I felt connected to the characters of the story. So much so, I almost racked my brain, thinking, ‘wait, do I know her?’

This story isn’t your run of the mill love story. It explores the brilliance of Aman’s neurosurgical capabilities. His hard work, dedication, and tireless hours, trying to pursue his career in the US. At the same time, confront his feelings that resurface as he reads ‘The Story of Us.

The story is well crafted, compelling and has the reader engaged right from the beginning. Would definitely recommend this book, if you are looking for a gratifying read.

Learn more about the author Lara Zuberi. Torn Pages (available on Kindle) is the second book published by Zuberi, the first one being The Lost Pearl.

Until next time!
Happy Reading!

Disclaimer: I was presented ‘Torn Pages’ in exchange for an honest review of the book.


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