This Is Us – a feel-good family drama!

This Is Us.

Warning: No spoilers. Just some minor plot details and eye candy of course.

Last month my Facebook feed was inundated with everyone raving about the new NBC sentimental favorite called ‘This Is Us’.
I google searched the plot which briefly said it was a family drama about people who share the same birthday. That didn’t sound  ‘binge-worthy’ to me like ‘House of Cards’ or ‘Game of Thrones’, but more like ‘there is really not much else to do tonight’ kind of TV show. But I was curious to see what the fuss was all about.

Later. Binge-watched. All 18 episodes.

Why did I start? Because it stars Milo Ventimiglia. I mean seriously! What’s not to love. I’ve probably had a celebrity crush on him since ‘Gilmore Girls‘. Team Jess all the way! Here are a couple of reasons why you should watch the show if you haven’t as yet.

Reason 1.

Right???? Milo Ventimiglia. Image credit: NBC

Reason 2.

Well..Hello there!

And if you really need. Reason 3.

Seriously…How cute do they look?

Mandy Moore plays the wife to Jack (Milo Ventimiglia) and their on screen performance as a married couple is worth mentioning. ‘This Is Us’ also stars Chrissy Metz as Kate who is overweight and battles her insecurities. Kevin is portrayed by Justin Hartley, who is a struggling actor and wishes to be taken seriously for his acting rather than just his good looks. Sterling Brown, plays the character of Randall, who is striving to reconnect with his biological father.

Kate, Kevin and Randall.
Image credit: NBC

I promised no spoilers so I will refrain from launching into specifics. But it is safe to say, ‘This is Us’ created by Dan Fogelman is one of the best feel-good dramas of this year. It has its tear jerking moments, but also puts a genuine smile on your face. As you see relationships flourish between characters, you also witness the hardships and struggles that each of them face.

For some, it may seem like it purposely pulls at heart-strings with its melodramatic moments, but don’t let that stop you from appreciating the essence of the show. Many viewers have connected with the story, because it resonates with them at some level.
Perhaps one of the best parts about the show is how it uses a time hopping narrative for its story and you see how the characters have developed into who they are today.

There are no flying dragons, no zombies, no political maneuvers and no legal or medical story lines. The beauty of ‘This is Us’ is in its simplicity.

Here is a trailer for the show and if you do watch it, do give it a couple of episodes to see if it becomes your feel-good family drama of the year.


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