Finding solace in writing

Photo Prompt © Sarah Potter

Catherine had wanted to get away for a while. Her life had become an endless succession of disappointments, making it a breeding ground for anxiety, anguish and uncertainty.

She managed to book a quaint rustic cottage in rural Spain for the summer. As she arrived and made her way down the cobbled steps towards the shed, she felt a sense of calm prevail.

The antiquated desk was pushed back against the window. Catherine hesitantly opened the top right drawer to find an incomplete handwritten manuscript. She pulled up the chair, and sat to complete the story. It was her story.

Word Count:  100

This post was written as part of the Friday Fictioneers Challenge hosted by Rochelle. The idea is to write a short story (100 words), based on the photo prompt provided.

I really struggle with trying to capture the essence of the story in 100 words, but quite enjoy the challenge.

Happy Reading!

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