From A Distance

Sarah quickened her pace along 5th Avenue. Breathless, she entered The Met, and rushed to the ‘guided tours’ meeting point.
She scanned the crowds nervously. He wasn’t there. Disheartened, she led her group to the first exhibit.
How could he not be here? His Facebook post said he would be touring The Met at 10am! For an aesthete living in New York, she was surprised he hadn’t visited the museum. Maybe he was avoiding her?
Standing under the arches, he had a perfect view. She was still as beautiful as the day he first saw her and every week since!
This post was written as part of the Friday Fictioneers Challenge hosted by Rochelle. The idea is to write a short story (100 words), based on the photo prompt provided.
To read more interesting stories, click on the blue frog.
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About the Author
Introvert, gym rat, book lover and avid baker. With this blog I hope to share with you personal anecdotes, life experiences, my love for baking and fitness – (fitness because of the incessant need to bake and eat), and hope for the blog to emerge as a melting pot of some interesting reading!
Hehe! Who’s stalking who! 😅 They seriously need to tell how much they love each other. Nice story.
Clever twist
I ditto the above comment, and reckon someone needs to give them a bit of a nudge. Make that a shove. I’m sure that happened to me countless times in my single days.
Best wishes,
Sweet, I hope he reveals himself to her in the end.
Dear Nadia,
So much longing in this story. One of them needs to break the barrier and proclaim his or her love. Well done.
To admire from afar because he is too afraid… He needs to come out of the shadows!
So very cute.
I only wish they would meet and talk!
If only she knew. One day perhaps.
Click to visit Keith’s Ramblings!
He sounds a bit of a wimp – come on man, faint heart never won fair lady!
Nice story! 🙂
Let’s hope the stalkers meet!
This was probably intended to be a sweet, potential love story, but it made me uneasy. He’s been watching her for weeks? I don’t know, kind of shivery.
Perhaps this time he’ll find the courage to approach her. Writing your story from the point of view of a museum tour guide was a good idea.
I hope he will finally work up the courage and approach her. Wonderful and engaging story.
Now I know why you’re so good at writing short-length book reviews as you’re talented at flash fiction as well. Heartwarming tale and a lovely ending to boot.