Promises made. Promises broken.

The ‘for sale’ sign had come up on this dilapidated house yesterday. Sandra set her eyes on it from beyond the fence.
“It needs some renovations.” The realtor informed Sandra’s husband. Her teenage daughter stood there. Unimpressed.
“It was inherited by a ‘Jason Hudson’, but has been vacant for decades. Jason died this past week.”
Sandra made her way into the rustic kitchen, hiding the tears from her family. The initials ‘S&J’ were carved on the wooden plank, just as she remembered them.
“You will live here someday”, he had promised.
She just didn’t know, it wouldn’t be with him.
This post was written as part of the Friday Fictioneers Challenge hosted by Rochelle. The idea is to write a short story (100 words), based on the photo prompt provided.
To read more interesting stories, click on the blue frog.
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About the Author
Introvert, gym rat, book lover and avid baker. With this blog I hope to share with you personal anecdotes, life experiences, my love for baking and fitness – (fitness because of the incessant need to bake and eat), and hope for the blog to emerge as a melting pot of some interesting reading!
Ahhh…. sometimes the world does not turn as we would wish…
C’est la vie!
Thanks for stopping by Dale.
Dear Nadia,
This one’s a heart-wrencher. So much story in few words. Welcome to Friday Fictioneers.
Thanks Rochelle! I am fairly new to flash fiction, but quite enjoy the challenge of a story in a few words.
Nadia, I’ve found that this exercise in brevity has done amazing things for my longer pieces, including my novels. Sometimes less really is more. 😉 I hope you’ll take the time to read and comment on others’ stories.
Nice take on the prompt. As will all good storied it left me wondering and thinking.
Thanks! The rest is left up to the imagination.
This is a really good story in a few words. Kind of like Ernest Hemmingway’s “Baby shoes for sale, never used.” But one can hope she and her real husband have had a good life.
I hope she did too and made the most of it! Thanks for reading!
Nicely done.
Thank you!
Well done!!!
This is a very moving story. Nicely done.
Ah, I wonder what drove them apart in the first place. She has a life with a husband and teenage daughter, it can’t be all bad. Tears for someone loved in the past will always fall though. Lovely story.
A lovely story, and moving too.
That was powerful . Very very powerful . Shaken, not stirred.
Lovely! It made me wonder what happened in his past and what will happen in her future.