Reminiscing the ‘good times’ with friends
Reconnecting with your friends from ‘back in the day’ is oddly fulfilling. A completely different time in your life. A time of laughter, craziness, heartache and tears! A time when these friends were your heart and soul. Nothing in your life could possibly get done without that quick ‘call and consult’ with your friend. A time when the biggest responsibility was perhaps just getting out of bed in the morning! A time of fierce loyalties among friends and conflicts the same (blame it on the teenage hormones!). A time of self-doubt, wanting to fit in desperately, and trying to understand the Pythagoras Theorem in all it’s glory.
I reminisce about this now because I recently did a ‘House Party’ with my ‘back in the day’ school friends. (House Party is an app that allows you to have a group video chat). It’s not that we’ve lost touch – we have a Whatsapp group that comes alive every now and then. We chat about milestones reached, old friends we’ve bumped into, odd Facebook pictures of ‘that’ person in school, our families, ageing parents and the promise to someday meet up again in person. But for now, we decided it was time to move up from Whatsapp and attempt a group video chat! This meant two things. First, we needed to find a time that worked for us since we were all in different time zones (Singapore, UAE, Qatar, USA – eastern and central). Second, be somewhat decently dressed (a few of worried about the casual nature of our friendship growing up!)
I can’t and won’t go into specifics of what we talked about (or I assure you, we will be hunted down by many) but let’s just say that we dwelt into the past and left no stone unturned. As cliché as this sounds, it’s like we picked up right where we left of. One of my friends had an exceptional memory (which helped a lot)! I mean she remembered everything! From names to faces, to who their sister was, and what they brought for their 9th grade school lunch!
All five of us have shared some absolute crazy times together. From the usual intoxicating high school and celebrity crushes to singing out loud on our favorite songs. Our book genre was the very best of literature found in the ‘Sweet Dreams’ and ‘Sweet Valley High’ books after which we maturely graduated into the sagas of Sidney Sheldon (because who doesn’t read that at least once while growing up!) ! We had probably learnt ‘Pretty Women’ by heart considering the number of times we watched it. We had our favorite dance numbers and all it took was putting in a cassette in a very broken down boom box and cranking up the volume. Nothing was off-limits.
By the end of some 3 plus hours we chatted – there were numerous ‘remember whens…‘ with all of us completing each others sentences or laughing hysterically because we know how that story ends. I can safely say all our jaws were hurting from the laughter and it was beyond impossible to take that smile off our faces even after the conversation had ended!
The stories we shared were predominantly positive. Or at least that is how we remember them now. Even if some of the stories had elements of sadness, we concluded them with a redemption of ‘it was the best life experience ever’. All our nostalgic narratives left us with a bittersweet feeling. I am so glad to have experienced all that craziness together with them.
After reminiscing the past, needless to say this week’s car play list includes some old tunes playing back to back for me. Some were super sappy, some are corny (why did I ever listen to that), but most are still old-time favorites from back in the day.
Here is a music clip (with snippets) of some of our all time favorites for you guys to enjoy! Do you have any favorites in here? Are you in touch with your high school friends? How does it feel?
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About the Author
Introvert, gym rat, book lover and avid baker. With this blog I hope to share with you personal anecdotes, life experiences, my love for baking and fitness – (fitness because of the incessant need to bake and eat), and hope for the blog to emerge as a melting pot of some interesting reading!
This blog gave me goosebumps Nadia … it was a trip down the most beautiful memory lane ,from major crush on Maverick of Top gun to sweet valley high (the ultimate teenage romance in those days) and moving on to Sidney Sheldon and Daniel steel .. oh gosh
there are tooooo many memories , it’s all coming back to me now .. I can go on and on , you can clearly see how much I enjoyed reading this blog !!!
Glad you enjoyed it Erum! A trip down memory lane when we had the care-free days – right?!
Remember – ‘Take my breath away’ – we listened to that probably a gazillion times.
Absolutely loved the post Nadia! The hurting jaws were really worth it and we should do it again soon- might give you ideas for some more awesome posts! And thank you for the music clip, it brought back soo many memories 🙂
I know! I think I had a headache afterwards too! We should definitely do it again soon and maybe I can add some interesting stories from our time. Though I am trying to keep these blog posts PG-13 for now 🙂
Totally fabulous..Loved reading about the catch up and love the song clip! All these songs bring a happy smile to my face even after so many years. You brought the chat to life Nadia- thank you so much!!!
Thanks Nash! Can’t believe how much fun we had that time. Glad to have shared all the craziness with you all.
Hi Nadia, loved your post. And LOVED the music, brought back so many memories of my own. Top Gun, Bryan Adams, Sting … all my vintage. Great read and what a great idea to have a house party. Hmmm, gives me ideas! 🙂
Thanks Miriam for stopping by! Listening to these music tracks is so nostalgic! That bittersweet emotion just brings up so many memories!
Absolutely! Enjoy.
You touched a chord with this one…the best years of my life…so carefree…no worries…although at the time we didnt think so…but in hindsight…those things we thought were big issues seem so trivial…glad i experienced things that i did…met those that i did…became lifelong friends with some…pretty woman…top gun…dirty dancing…so many memories…so many good times…*sigh*…
Oh my ‘Dirty Dancing’! Loved it! We actually talked about that too on our chat. I think we would try and learn the dance they did! Ha ha! Such crazy times!
I recently did a video chat with my soul mates and had a similar feeling. I think we all have that one friend who remembers everything… elephants memory! But Some memories never fade. No one can ever replace friends who know you from school.. truly believe that. Fav show was 90210 hands down! And Our playlist included back street boys and spice girls. I really enjoyed your post Nadia.. keep it up!
I agree Almas! The bond that school friends had is just a different kind. Oh yeah..we listened to a lot of boy bands at that time!
Thanks for reading!
OMG Nadia, A million chords you struck there!! How I LOVED MaC Gwyer and I still remember the last line of P.S.I love you… “for me, it will always stand for Paul Strobe I love you”. 🙁 A million tears I cried after that book.
I am very lucky to have my reunion with my other halves (as we used to call ourselves) as they all come to Pakistan in the summers and trust me all the years do slip away. We act as we are still in our teens and our kids look at us very weirdly and keep rolling their eyes!! WHATEVER!!
Excellent read girlfriend…and please keep writing!! xx
Extremely nostalgic and wistful piece of writing, made me reminisce about a time quite a while back! Open and endearing and a joy to read. Keep up the good work! 😘
I married my high school classmate 🙂 And my best friend is still the one I had during those years. Your music clip brought me back so many good memories!! love it
Awesome post Nadia! I can so relate to all smile that sticks to your face.. and your husband and kids have that “whats up with her” look! 🙂 loved it!
Awww the good old days of riding emotional roller coasters in groups! Crazy fun days! Your article has made me nostalgic!!
A great read ☺️
This post put a smile on my face and made me want to reconnect with old friends again … Thank you!
What a jump in the past 😎
Glad to read . I like your reminisce .I also have some same memories. I like to share with you