
Photo Prompt © Jellico’s Stationhouse

Every Thursday afternoon, MaryAnn would wait by the kitchen window. She stood there, parting the tattered curtain in anticipation. She eagerly awaited the first sounds of his bicycle as he rode up the cobbled pathway and towards her home. Would he come visit today as she hoped?

She was lost in reverie, thinking back to the time they laughed together and how she cared for him. It was her decision that broke up the family she loved.

As the kitchen door creaked open, there he was. Standing tall and handsome.

“Is there warm tea ready mum? I’ve brought some scones’.


This post was written as part of the Friday Fictioneers Challenge hosted by Rochelle. The idea is to write a short story (100 words), based on the photo prompt provided.

To read more interesting stories, click on the blue frog.


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