Excuses I’ve Made to Skip My Workout

The past few weeks have been the longest I have stayed away from the gym. After falling out of my ‘workout routine’ this summer, I struggled to find my way back. Forget motivation, I had absolutely no desire or inclination to go to the gym or workout. Needless to say, this had major repercussions on my health, both physically and mentally. Of course I piled on some pounds, thanks to Netflix, books and my bedside snacks, but also, I just wasn’t in a good place mentally. (My friends can vouch for that!)
I have finally done my first workout today! This felt so monumental, I felt it deserved it’s own blog post! As I was running on the treadmill, I realized how good this felt and the familiar feelings of accomplishment and contentment resurfaced!
Truth be told, I barely managed a 3k run. I was slow, and kept walking parts of it. But I managed to complete it! I came a long way, from the plethora of excuses I had come up with to get out of going to the gym!
In no particular order, here they are.
Some funny. Others not. All true!
- I cant go to gym till I look thinner and this holiday weight comes off. I’m too overweight to get started yet. I need to look the part first.
- I just need to hydrate for 2 days because clearly I’m only bloated.
- I want to wear my new gym attire when I go to the gym. But I’m not wearing my new gym attire, till I lose a few pounds.
- I will do yoga at home, because my body is stiff. It actually needs to stretch first before I can get into hard core cardio! So no gym tonight!
- My kids were annoying me last night, so I need to just relax and decompress with a good book. Getting adequate rest is part of self-care and that’s almost like going to the gym.
- Realistically speaking, I can only go between 8-9 am, but I got home at 8:05 am from school drop off, and the window of opportunity has passed.
- I need a new playlist. You know something that motivates me and ideally something from this century!
- A new episode of my favorite TV show just aired last night. Must catch up on it between 8-9 am.
- I’m on my period. I’m off it.
- The couple that runs on the treadmill next to me will be there. I don’t feel like being competitive today.
- I’ll work out at home. It’s easy and convenient. Spent an hour scrolling workout videos, personal trainers, and mentally doing all moves ‘in my head’. That felt like a workout!
- I ate an avocado today. I’ve basically eaten healthy so I’m good for another 2 days.
- I’ve eaten too much last night. I’m feeling stuffed – can’t work out. I’ve eaten too little – I need fuel my body now. Can’t work out.
Hopefully I will never use these excuses again. But never say never! At least for now I am back where I belong. My happy place – the gym!
I have started running again, and my pace is far from what it was, but I’m hoping to get back to my usual rhythm soon! I have some crazy thoughts while I run. If you want to read about them, click here.
How do you get back to your workout routine after a break?
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About the Author
Introvert, gym rat, book lover and avid baker. With this blog I hope to share with you personal anecdotes, life experiences, my love for baking and fitness – (fitness because of the incessant need to bake and eat), and hope for the blog to emerge as a melting pot of some interesting reading!
Lol these are pretty funny. And I have to say I use many of these too. And I too am waiting to lose weight so I can wear my new workout clothes. (It’s been six months of waiting lol)
Yes! Can’t wait to wear my new workout clothes! Good luck!
this was me up to yesterday, and I could easily check off about half that list. I finally went back to kickboxing after flat out not exercising for at least a year. I bought stuff and even made a gym on my property, but have yet to use it. I needed to get a foot up the rear (and the yard cleaned up–but that was necessary work and I didn’t count that as “exercise” as such, even though it was).
I’m stiff and a bit sore this morning, but not super bad, which means I can go back to kickboxing tomorrow (don’t wanna overdo it or I’ll be out another week…which will stretch out).
I’m terrible at making good habits and routines and sticking with them. Can’t even remember to take a multivitamin every day. But I’m writing things down and going to start leaving post it notes around my mirror to remind me what needs doing and when.
Good luck on keeping it up.